If you were unable to join us on Instagram for our first virtual Slow Art Day, have your own Slow Art Day at home by looking at the image of Franklin H. Carmichael’s Spring Snow (above) for 10 minutes. We’ve included the captions/discussion questions from the nine detail images we shared on Instagram that day!
1. Welcome to our virtual Slow Art Day! We’ll be rolling out a detail shot of one of our collection works every ten minutes for the next 90 minutes – at which point you’ll be able to see the full picture! Join the discussion in the comments and on our stories. But first, let’s get to know each other! Tell me where you’re located, your field of study/work, and whether or not you’ve attended a Slow Art Day event before.
I’m Rachel Sullivan, your host for today’s Virtual Slow Art day! I’m an Information Officer at the McMaster Museum of Art, an artist, and a McMaster University Studio Arts grad. I hosted my first Slow Art Day with the MMA back in 2013 as part of an internship while I was finishing up my undergrad.
2. Did you know that the average time spent viewing a work of art is only 7 seconds? Slow Art Day is a worldwide movement to encourage slow looking and attempt to break down the barriers between the general public and the gallery setting. Tag the last museum or gallery you were at and the person you were with in the comments!
3. We’ve had to switch up Slow Art Day this year to bring it to a virtual platform and do our part to stay home and social-distance. How has social-distancing changed the way you view art? Tag a friend you’re excited to see when we no longer have to social-distance!
I’ve been looking towards social media to view art – so many artists and arts institutions are putting out great content during this period of social distancing, even though they may be closed. Follow #MMAfromhome to experience and engage with art and with us virtually while we’re working from home! – Rachel Sullivan, Information Officer
4. MINDFULNESS These are strange times for us all. How are you taking care of yourself during this time of social distancing?
I’ve been trying to move my body a little bit every day, do something creative, limit my news intake, and be mindful of the content I’m taking in (whether it’s social media, watching something on Netflix, or reading – I’m paying attention to things that are adding to the heaviness and cutting those out for the time being). Taking care of your of yourself will look different every day – some days, it will look like simply getting out of bed, and that’s okay! – Rachel Sullivan, Information Officer
5. Viewing and creating artwork is an emotional, multi-sensory experience. Check out the link in our bio to see how Sara Birkofer from the Cincinnati Art Museum engages visitors using scents, music, touchable objects, and food in the galleries. https://www.slowartday.com/creating-a-multisensory-gallery-experience/
6. Host your own Slow Art Day at home! Spend 10 minutes looking at one of the artworks on your wall, and then ask yourself what you think about the artwork and how it makes you feel. Did you notice anything about it that you hadn’t noticed before? Make this a family activity – everyone will have a different experience with the chosen artwork, which might make you see things from a different perspective!
7. What are you grateful for during this time of slowing down?
I’m enjoying cooking more meals at home and spending more time with my husband. I’m looking at this time as an opportunity to rest, take a step back, and evaluate what is really important to me. – Rachel Sullivan, Information Officer
8. What’s the first museum or gallery you’re looking forward to visiting when everything reopens?
I’m looking forward to seeing my colleagues at the MMA once we’re all back in the office! – Rachel Sullivan, Information Officer
9. That’s a wrap – go to our feed @macmuseum to see this artwork in full. What did you think of our first virtual @slowartday? Have you been to a #slowartday event before? How did your experience differ with a virtual event?
I’ll be hanging out in the comments and on stories until 2pm (on April 4)! Thanks for joining us, we hope to see you soon!

– Rachel Sullivan, Information Officer, McMaster Museum of Art