Student Art and Writing Awards Announced

Here at the Museum, we rely on our volunteer helpers in almost every area, from education (our stellar docent team) to communications to collections. The dedication and hard work of our volunteers make our Museum, and indeed our community, stronger. We are siezing this opportunity, National Volunteer Week 2012, to give a big shout-out to all of our recent docents and volunteers! For your time, your energy and your generosity of spirit – Thank you all!
Melodie Adler
Sarah Bardwell
Jacqulyn Bester
Jenna Bird
Avery Brooks Joiner
Jutta Busch
Javier Caicedo
Jim Casey
Danny Chan
Tania Charles
Brooke DaPrato
Neil Dattani
Laura Dickson
Laura DiMarco
Deborah & Glen Eker
Mahshid Fathi
Aide Fernandez
Annie Fu
Kate Hand
Lianne Holland
Daniela Infante
Maureen Hayman
Yoko Ichikawa
Natalie Jachyra
Nashwa Khan
Sarah Liddiard
Carla Mackie
Christine Mans
Jessica Martin
Payge Martin
Tenya Mastoras
Meera Mehta
Matt Mincoff
Olivia Murray
Katherine Orszanski
Gabriela Palomo
Kayla Pegg
Adrian Phillips
Daniela Ponce
Sarah Prince
Lela Radisevik
Roopa Segu
Samantha Staresincic
Emily Stefanac
Shaan Tanbir
Leah Thiffault
Rachel Tirone
Nikkie To
Yvonne Tristani
Jane Turner-Cooke
Ianitza Vassileva
Amanda Venancio
Kelsey Vinh
Janice Waldrum
Flora Wang
Shariq Wani
Angela Wu
Juliana Xie
Alanna Young
Shannon Zhao
Lexy Zhong
Amber Zuber
– Nicole Knibb, Education Co-ordinator, McMaster Museum of Art