Conspiracies of Illusion: Projections of Time & Space
Thursday September 13, 6 – 8 pm
Artist’s Talk:
Janice Gurney, Nestor Kruger, and Yam Lau
Thursday September 20, 6 – 8 pm
Curator’s Panel Discussion
Thursday October 18, 6 – 8 pm
Time and space are routinely considered as homogeneous. But photo and moving image-based works by Canadians Janice Gurney, Nestor Kruger, Yam Lau, American David Reed, and a foundational work by the late German artist Blinky Palermo, challenge this notion by presenting a reconfigured space and time in which each appears to be composed in layers. This reconfigured space radically changes the way in which a 2-D medium (painting or photography) exists and acts; reconfigured time entails a different structure for history, as art is usually thought of as being projected into the future, not the past.
The objective is to explore larger issues about how, within the artwork, images travel in a reconfigured space or time, and open up the paradoxes of temporality. Each work comments on the other in a profound yet non-linear manner, and raises a question that the exhibition explores: how do we document time in art? Or is it art that contours time for us?
An exhibition catalogue with essays by Mark A. Cheetham and Andy Patton and Christine Sprengler is available.
List of Works in Exhibition
Janice Gurney
Screen, 1986
cibachromes, Photostats and Plexiglas
Dimensions installed: 97.8 x 363 cm
Courtesy of the artist
Dark Room, 1990
cibachromes, colour
photographs, photostat, Plexiglas and acrylic
Dimensions installed: 91.4 x 330 cm
Collection of McIntosh Gallery, Western University.
Gift of John Labatt Brewing Company, 1997
Brief Window, 1991
cibachromes, colour photographs, photostats,
Plexiglas and acrylic
Dimensions installed: 83.8 x 449.6 cm
Courtesy of the artist
Nestor Kruger
Analog (Three Cameras Through a Model of Haus Wittgenstein, for single channel), 2005
Single channel digital video with sound
Sound design: Stephen Murray
Courtesy of the artist
Yam Lau
Between the Past and the Present: A Chinese Scholar’s Studio, 2012
computer-generated animation, digital video
Duration: 8 mins 39 sec
Courtesy of the artist
Blinky Palermo
Projektion (Projection), 1971
screenprint, from an edition of 150
40 x 40 cm
Collection, David Reed
David Reed
Judy’s Bedroom, 2005
digital C-print, 6/15, from an edition of 15 + 5 AP
20 x 38 cm
Courtesy reedstudio, New York
Scottie’s Bedroom, 2005
digital C-print, 3AP/5AP, from an edition of 15 + 5 AP
20 x 38 cm
Courtesy reedstudio,
New York
The Kiss, 2005
digital C-print, 15/15, from an edition of 15 + 6 AP
21.5 x 152 cm
Courtesy reedstudio, New York
Curated by: Mark A. Cheetham, Andy Patton and Christine Sprengler
August 28, 2012 – November 03, 2012