

Conspiracies of Illusion: Projections of Time & Space

Thursday September 13, 6 – 8 pm

Artist’s Talk:
Janice Gurney, Nestor Kruger, and Yam Lau
Thursday September 20, 6 – 8 pm

Curator’s Panel Discussion
Thursday October 18, 6 – 8 pm

Time and space are routinely considered as homogeneous. But photo and moving image-based works by Canadians Janice Gurney, Nestor Kruger, Yam Lau, American David Reed, and a foundational work by the late German artist Blinky Palermo, challenge this notion by presenting a reconfigured space and time in which each appears to be composed in layers. This reconfigured space radically changes the way in which a 2-D medium (painting or photography) exists and acts; reconfigured time entails a different structure for history, as art is usually thought of as being projected into the future, not the past.

The objective is to explore larger issues about how, within the artwork, images travel in a reconfigured space or time, and open up the paradoxes of temporality. Each work comments on the other in a profound yet non-linear manner, and raises a question that the exhibition explores: how do we document time in art? Or is it art that contours time for us?

An exhibition catalogue with essays by Mark A. Cheetham and Andy Patton and Christine Sprengler is available.

List of Works in Exhibition

Janice Gurney
Screen, 1986
cibachromes, Photostats and Plexiglas
Dimensions installed: 97.8 x 363 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Dark Room, 1990
cibachromes, colour
photographs, photostat, Plexiglas and acrylic
Dimensions installed: 91.4 x 330 cm
Collection of McIntosh Gallery, Western University.
Gift of John Labatt Brewing Company, 1997

Brief Window, 1991
cibachromes, colour photographs, photostats,
Plexiglas and acrylic
Dimensions installed: 83.8 x 449.6 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Nestor Kruger
Analog (Three Cameras Through a Model of Haus Wittgenstein, for single channel), 2005
Single channel digital video with sound
Sound design: Stephen Murray
Courtesy of the artist

Yam Lau
Between the Past and the Present: A Chinese Scholar’s Studio, 2012
computer-generated animation, digital video
Duration: 8 mins 39 sec
Courtesy of the artist

Blinky Palermo
Projektion (Projection), 1971
screenprint, from an edition of 150
40 x 40 cm
Collection, David Reed

David Reed
Judy’s Bedroom, 2005
digital C-print, 6/15, from an edition of 15 + 5 AP
20 x 38 cm
Courtesy reedstudio, New York

Scottie’s Bedroom, 2005
digital C-print, 3AP/5AP, from an edition of 15 + 5 AP
20 x 38 cm
Courtesy reedstudio,
New York

The Kiss, 2005
digital C-print, 15/15, from an edition of 15 + 6 AP
21.5 x 152 cm
Courtesy reedstudio, New York

Curated by: Mark A. Cheetham, Andy Patton and Christine Sprengler

August 28, 2012 – November 03, 2012

Link to Exhibitions Archive for a complete list of past exhibitions


A blurred person walks in front of a wall featuring the photographic series Grace (2006). The artworks on display are photos of figures with hands covering their faces. Installation view of I'm Not Your Kinda Princess at Plug In ICA.

Lori Blondeau: I’m Not Your Kinda Princess

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A photo of The Clichettes dressed as muscular men with wild hair, they are jumping mid-air holding colourful guitars.

The Clichettes: Lips, Wigs, and Politics

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Faded title

SUMMA 2024: Yearbook

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Detail of Rajni Perera, Storm, 2020.

Rajni Perera: Futures

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A collaged and layered photograph of the Grand River floats in the centre of a black background, along with the words: Arenhátyen tsi ní:tsi teyottenyonhátye’ kwató:ken tsi nī:tsi yonkwa’nikonhrayén:ta’s Image courtesy of Courtney Skye. The list of artists is displayed along the bottom: Dakota Brant, Denny Doolittle, Elizabeth Doxtater, Kaya Hill, Rick Hill, Arnold Jacobs, Ken Maracle, Shelley Niro, Protect The Tract Artist Collective, Steve Smith, Greg Staats, Kristen E. Summers, Jeff Thomas

We Remain Certain
Arenhátyen tsi ní:tsi teyottenyonhátye’ kwató:ken tsi nī:tsi yonkwa’nikonhrayén:ta’s

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Two artworks suspended in a grey background; Nicholas Baier's Octobre, and Shelley Niro's Nature's Wild Children.


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Artist Mike MacDonald in Gage Park, photo captured by Dianne Bos.

Lisa Myers: Finding what Grows

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The SUMMA 2023 logo is an overlapping triple diamond design, featuring shapes coloured in gradient from red to yellow, purple to pink, and green to blue. The logo is suspended in the centre of a background consisting of a pink and blue swirling gradient.

SUMMA 2023 – Where We Intersect: Identities, Environments, Activisms

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The McMaster Museum of Art is presently not accepting artists’ submissions for exhibitions at this time of leadership change at the museum.  Our Interim Director will be undertaking a review of the museum’s forward exhibition schedule, as well as our policies and procedures, in the coming months.  Our present focus is the ongoing maintenance of our permanent collection and storage needs for future collection activities.

The museum remains committed to our collecting priority in the continued support of early career, mid-career and established Indigenous artists, artists of the Black diaspora and racialized artists through purchases and commissions. Donations will be welcomed and reviewed at a future date which will be posted on our website.


The McMaster Museum of Art is a third party recommender for Ontario Arts Council (OAC) Exhibition Assistance Grants.

The museum is currently accepting applications. Our next program deadline is: December 16, 2024.

Artists who demonstrate an interest and consideration of art as a medium for social change and action.

Please follow the guidelines established by the Ontario Arts Council, apply directly through their website, and submit the following with your applications:

Brief artist statement
Confirmation letter from the gallery/museum/venue
Digital images of work