

Book cover with portrait of man wearing a hat Book cover with portrait of man wearing a hat

The Unvarnished Truth: Exploring the Material History of Paintings

This compendium of original essays features discoveries made by an international team of researchers – scholars of applied radiation sciences, anthropology, art history, biomedical engineering, as well as conservators, conservation scientists, forensic art historians, and curators – who examined several paintings from the museum’s collection, including works by Vincent Van Gogh, Alexander Rodchenko and Peter Paul Rubens’ workshop. The result is a multidisciplinary, collaborative study of paintings as complex physical objects whose component parts tell us a story about their history.

In English and in French
280 pp colour throughout softcover

Purchase this publication via McMaster University’s Campus Store.

Carol Podedworny, Brandi Lee MacDonald, Nenagh Hathaway, Fiona McNeill, Ihor Holubizky, Ron Spronk, Gianfranco Pocobene, Alison Murray, Julie Bronson, Stephanie S. Dickey
