A Cultivating Journey examines the collection of significant European historical and modern art donated to the McMaster Museum of Art by Herman Levy in 1984, and includes works by Courbet, Derain, Monet, Pissarro and Van Gogh. Today the production of such a project raises the critical question: how does the museum collect in the twenty-first century? This would have been a much easier consideration when the Levy donation entered the museum’s collection. Up until that time, art history and the museum were Western inventions that served a particular period (circa 1860-1980) without contestation. The situation has since changed, forcing a reconsideration of the making, collecting, and presenting of art in a diverse, global, multi-centred world through a decidedly ideological institution.
In English and French
250 pp col. ill. 10.75 x 8 in softcover
Purchase this publication via McMaster University’s Campus Store.
Tabitha Barber, Tobi Bruce, Lloyd DeWitt, Ihor Holubizky, Alex Kidson, Alison McQueen, Kim Ness, Caterina Pierre Introduction by Carol Podedworny
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