November 25, 2014
The McMaster Museum of Art invites you to:
Representing the Self, Connecting to Others
Thursday November 27 from 1:30 – 3 PM
You are invited to attend a panel discussion by scholars of autobiography, visual culture, feminist theory, sexuality studies, and Indigenous Studies. The panel is hosted and organized by Dr. Sarah Brophy and Dr. Janice Hladki, McMaster professors and co-curators of This Is Me, This Is Also Me, an exhibition of self-representational art now on view at the McMaster Museum of Art.
EVA C. KARPINSKI is Associate Professor in the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at York University, where she teaches feminist theory, cultural studies, autobiography, and translation studies. Her research interests include postmodernist, poststructuralist, and affect theories, feminist ethics and pedagogy, twentieth-century literature, and women’s life writing in multiple genres and media. She has published over 30 articles and book chapters in Canadian and international venues, most recently in Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature. She is the author of Borrowed Tongues: Life Writing, Migration, and Translation (2012) and co-editor of Trans/Acting Culture, Writing, and Memory: Essays in Honour of Barbara Godard (2013).
SHOSHANA MAGNET is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies and le départment de Criminologie at the University of Ottawa. She has published three books: When Biometrics Fail: Race, Gender and the Technology of Identity (Duke University Press, 2011), The New Media of Surveillance (co-edited with Kelly Gates, Routledge 2010) and Feminist Surveillance Studies (co-edited with Rachel Dubrofsky, and forthcoming from Duke University Press in spring 2015).
CARRIE MCMULLIN is a recent graduate of McMaster University, holding a combined honours B.A. in Cultural Studies and Critical Theory, History, and Indigenous Studies. Carrie’s academic interests combine these disciplines into work that reflects upon ideas of identity and the representation of othered bodies within the multi-national project of Canada. As a multi-national Mohawk and Canadian citizen herself, Carrie hopes to further address the political ramifications of these representations in both historical and contemporary contexts. Upon her graduation in spring 2014, Carrie received a President’s Award for Excellence in Student Leadership, in part for her work on behalf of the McMaster First Nations Students Association.
THY PHU is an Associate Professor at Western University. Her research and teaching focus on cultural studies, visual culture, Asian North American literature, critical race studies, and American studies. Picturing Model Citizens: Civility in Asian American Visual Culture (Temple University Press, 2012), her first book, explores the relationship between civility and citizenship. Her second book, Feeling Photography, a collection of essays co-edited with Elspeth Brown, is published from Duke University Press. She is currently working on two related projects. The first, with Andrea Noble, is on the Cold War Camera, a collaborative exploration of the ways that photography mediates the global cold war. The second is a history of 20th-century Vietnamese photography.
This free panel discussion will be followed by a question and answer session.
Please join us for what promises to be an exciting and invigorating discussion!
This project is supported at McMaster University by the Arts Research Board; Forward with Integrity, Office of the President; and Research & International Affairs.
McMaster Museum of Art
Alvin A. Lee Building
McMaster University
1280 Main St W
Hamilton, ON L8S 4L6
905.525.9140 x.23241
Admission is Free
Museum hours: Tue/Wed/Fri 11am-5pm, Thu 11-7, Sat 12-5
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