May 22, 2014
Over the last couple of months, McMaster Museum of Art work-study student Annie Zhu, in collaboration with the Museum’s education team, has produced three short animated videos answering some of the questions that staff in our galleries are asked daily. Fun, informative, and under a minute, we hope these will be useful tools for our guides, tour groups and gallery visitors everywhere.
These are the first in a series. We’re looking forward to seeing which, from the page full of questions, Annie will tackle next…
Is that a seismograph? Are these original? Are you the artist/curator? Can I study in here? How do you get the art? Are these online? Why is it so cold/dark/humid? Can I have a show?…
McMaster Museum of Art Welcomes Mary Reid as Director and Chief Curator
February 4, 2025
Ascending Horizons at McMaster Museum of Art
January 16, 2025
Call for Student Submissions for Resilience & Connection: Artistic explorations of mental health
October 11, 2024